Wednesday 17 September 2014

Nigerian Troops, Boko Haram Fighters In Fierce Battle In Konduga Town

Nigerian troopsA fierce battle is currently taking place in Konduga town, Borno State, between hundreds of Boko Haram fighters and Nigerian troops.
Security sources said the insurgents were “on a revenge mission after the heavy casualty they recorded last Friday”.
Last Friday, the insurgents met stiff resistance from Nigerian troops and members of the Civilian Joint Task Force in their unsuccessful attempt to seize the town.
Over 100 insurgents were reportedly killed by Nigerian troops, who rounded them up following a tip-off.
One of the security sources, who pleaded anonymity because he was not permitted to speak on the matter, said the attack since about 7pm on Tuesday with the terrorists armed to the teeth.
“From the information we have so far, the insurgents were armed to the teeth. They have mortars, anti-aircraft missiles, rocket propelled grenades and assorted guns with a cover from Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs).
“As I am talking to you now, our men are engaging the terrorists… Their ultimate target is to subdue our men in Konduga so that they can advance to Maiduguri”, he said

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