September 05th, 2014

Criminal FailureSaudi Undergraduate Shoots Lecturer For Failing Him In EnglishA revenge bid had landed a Saudi student in police net after he shot his lecturer for failing him in an English course the previous semester
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The student had failed the orientation exam in preparatory English, a required by the University for enrolment.
Failing the course meant he had to resit under the same lecturer in the next semester.
In an apparent act of revenge, on Tuesday September 2, the student attended the classroom with a gun hidden in his clothes.
A few minutes into the lecture, he stood up and fired three shots at the Jordanian teacher, a report in local daily Al Eqtisdaiya states.
The teacher was having a lucky day as only one of the bullets nicked his belt while the two other shots struck the wall behind him.
After the shooting, the student fled the lecture hall and escaped in a getaway car that was waiting for him.
He however later handed himself over to the police.
The university management confirmed the shooting.
The student fired three shots from a gun he had concealed in his clothes, the university said.
The teacher was not injured and was able to hide in another place. The student escaped in a car that belonged to one of his friends, it said.
Gulf News reports that many in the country have called for a stiff punishment.
A blogger, writing under the moniker of Hamoodovic condemned the shooting in strong terms.
If every student who fails in his exams carries a gun to kill his teachers, then all universities would turn into grounds for massacres
“This student has to be severely punished. He has obviously a history of failures. He failed his exams and he failed to control and manage his anger, Hamoodovic said.
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