Saturday, 27 September 2014

For Women – 5 Reasons Your Husband Is Not Giving You s*x Anymore

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Men will always want s*x. A husband would never consistently reject his wife’s s*xual desires. Women are the only ones that lose s*xual interest after marriage…That’s what you think!
As much as society talks about the “poor husband” crying out for some s*xual healing, there are wives who are in the same boat. It isn’t something most women would want to announce for various reasons, but the issue is real and needs to be addressed. So what could possibly cause a husband to not sleep with his wife?
1. She’s “let herself go”
Yes, most people gain weight as they get older. And yes, love should not be contingent on someone’s weight. But in this scenario, love isn’t the issue…attraction is. The fact is that most men are drawn to what they see physically. Body changes are inevitable, but sometimes the differences in physical appearances are too much for some men to handle. In some cases he may like the “extra pounds,” but when the “extra pounds” crosses a certain line it may affect his physical attraction to her and his ability to desire her sexually. One can say true love should allow him to look past that. Someone else can say true love should give her the drive to do something positive about it.
2. He is battling with depression and self doubt
Believe it or not, men have feelings too! So it is very possible that he is in a bad emotional state and isn’t sexually motivated. Men tend to internalize day-to-day issues that may directly impact their desire for s*x. The issues can vary from family troubles, problems at work, or unhappiness with where he is in life. When these kinds of deeper issues aren’t properly addressed, it may affect bedroom activities and his overall attitude. Other factors that can affect a man’s libido include poor health, mental and physical fatigue. So be mindful of what he may battling in order to get things back on the right track.
3. He has a medical condition
Yeah and it’s called “imsickandtiredofherass-asitis!” But seriously, some men reach a point in their relationship where complete frustration with their wives sets in. Some just don’t want to be bothered and their wives’ behavior has simply drained them. This perceived negative behavior can include a previous pattern of rejecting his s*xual advances, incessant nagging, speaking down to him, and even showing out in public with a display of disgust and/or disrespect. He likely doesn’t view any of these things as “sexy” and it has only driven a deeper wedge into the relationship.
4. He is tired of her lackluster performance
Some women seem to think that just laying there and “taking it” will always be good enough. For some men it may be, but for others it’s a turn off. A lot of men don’t just want s*x, they want good s*x with a woman who also enjoys it and desires them. If a woman constantly comes across as not interested and unwilling to “get freaky” or simply show some “skills”, then the man may eventually shut down. In addition, some may become very frustrated by the lack of “oral pleasure.” To some, having s*x without “oral pleasure” is like eating a sandwich without meat and that man is tired of just eating some damn bread!
5. His attention is elsewhere
Worst case scenario…the man has lost all interest (likely due to the other things mentioned on this list) and has stepped outside the marriage. Neglecting a man sexually is like neglecting a woman emotionally. It can lead to a lot of issues and open the door to infidelity. This should not be the first or even the second thing assumed to explain his lack of interest. But if a woman knows she has truly covered all her bases in giving him what he needs, then infidelity should be considered a possibility. Also note that he may simply be turning to pleasuring himself a lot more often and has less in the “tank” for his wife. That shouldn’t be overlooked as a potential contributor to a lack of s*xual activity.

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