They were caught unprepared, but their quick initiative meant
that Patrick Sawyer did not get back into the population of Lagos or
Calabar to spread further infection. Among the four that died are Dr.
Ameyo Adedevoh and Nurse Justina Ejelonu, and among the ones that
survived are Dr. Ada.

On 20 October, WHO officially declared Nigeria free of #Ebola virus
transmission. This is a spectacular success story that shows that Ebola
can be contained http://goo.gl/AMTL1s
Photo: WHO/A. Esiebo

Photo: WHO/A. Esiebo

Photo: WHO/A. Esiebo

House-to-house, street-to-street information campaigns, messages on
local radio stations, in local dialects, all were used to explain the
level of risk that #Ebola posed, important for effective personal
preventive measures and hygiene.
Photo: WHO/A. Esiebo
The #Ebola awareness campaigns were supported by social
mobilization experts from the Nigerian Government, UNICEF, CDC and
Médecins sans Frontières, while the staff from the WHO Nigeria office,
the Regional Office for Africa and headquarters boosted outbreak
investigation, risk assessment, contact tracing and clinical care.
Photo: Joint poster by the Nigerian Government, WHO, CDC, UNICEF and MSF
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